Delivery Time

The following delivery time is estimated (please keep in mind that the arrival time during peak season will be delayed):

Country/RegionShipping FeeDelivery Time
USA7.05$5-10 days

Taxes: In the USA, Free Taxes

Processing time

It can take up to 2-8 business days to prepare products before they can be shipped. If your order has not yet been shipped, it means your packages are being prepared. However, if there are any unusual circumstances, we will notify you via email.

Once your order has been shipped, we will send you an email with a tracking number so you can track its progress. 

Shipping Delays

If your package takes more than 30 days to arrive, we will refund the entire amount of your order.
If your package does not arrive on time, please submit an inquiry and we will respond within 12 hours. Thank you for your patience and support.

If the shipping tracking code status is complete but you have not received your order, first please check around your house as it may be hidden somewhere. If it is still not helping you, please contact the shipping company we included in the status shipping email notification. If this still does not resolve the issue, please contact the support team at



We are NOT LIABLE if a package is unable to be delivered due to missing, incomplete, or incorrect destination information.
When checking out, please enter the correct shipping information. If you discover an error, please contact us as soon as possible at However, because email has a 4-hour wait list, if your order has left our warehouse within 4 hours, it is out of our control.

Twadestore Store is not liable for any destination region tax or duty charges that may be incurred. Customers will be held accountable for any restrictions, duties, taxes, and any other fees collected from the destination region.
Under any circumstances, the Twadestore Store is NOT responsible for any duties, taxes, or customs fees if the order arrives in your region, and if

  1. The customer refuses to accept the package.
  2. A number of attempts are made in the region of destination to deliver the package.

Twadestore Store reserves the right to cancel the package(s) and is not obligated to provide a refund.